To further characterize associations between small molecule compounds and their potential to induce specific birth abnormalities, we gathered knowledge from multiple sources to construct a reproductive toxicity Knowledge Graph (ReproTox-KG) with a focus on associations between birth defects, drugs, and genes.
Playbook Workflow Builder
The Playbook Workflow Builder (PWB) is a web-based platform that facilitates knowledge resolution by enabling users to traverse an ever-growing network of input datasets, semantically annotated API endpoints, and data visualization tools. Via a user-friendly user-interface, workflows can be constructed from these building-blocks without technical expertise. The output of these workflows is provided as reports containing textual descriptions, interactive figures, and downloadable tables.
Standard RNA-seq Processing Pipelines
The CFDE RNA-seq Pipeline Harmonization partnership is a collaboration between multiple DCCs (GTEx, UDN, KF, HuBMAP, SPARC, MoTrPAC) to update their RNA-seq pipelines across the DCCs with a revised version of the STAR RNA-seq aligner. The goal is to enable uniform alignment to a reference genome by reprocessing all the existing accessible bulk-tissue RNA-seq datasets.
To further characterize associations between small molecule compounds and their potential to induce specific birth abnormalities, we gathered knowledge from multiple sources to construct a reproductive toxicity Knowledge Graph (ReproTox-KG) with a focus on associations between birth defects, drugs, and genes.
Playbook Workflow Builder
The Playbook Workflow Builder (PWB) is a web-based platform that facilitates knowledge resolution by enabling users to traverse an ever-growing network of input datasets, semantically annotated API endpoints, and data visualization tools. Via a user-friendly user-interface, workflows can be constructed from these building-blocks without technical expertise. The output of these workflows is provided as reports containing textual descriptions, interactive figures, and downloadable tables.
Standard RNA-seq Processing Pipelines
The CFDE RNA-seq Pipeline Harmonization partnership is a collaboration between multiple DCCs (GTEx, UDN, KF, HuBMAP, SPARC, MoTrPAC) to update their RNA-seq pipelines across the DCCs with a revised version of the STAR RNA-seq aligner. The goal is to enable uniform alignment to a reference genome by reprocessing all the existing accessible bulk-tissue RNA-seq datasets.
To further characterize associations between small molecule compounds and their potential to induce specific birth abnormalities, we gathered knowledge from multiple sources to construct a reproductive toxicity Knowledge Graph (ReproTox-KG) with a focus on associations between birth defects, drugs, and genes.
Playbook Workflow Builder
The Playbook Workflow Builder (PWB) is a web-based platform that facilitates knowledge resolution by enabling users to traverse an ever-growing network of input datasets, semantically annotated API endpoints, and data visualization tools. Via a user-friendly user-interface, workflows can be constructed from these building-blocks without technical expertise. The output of these workflows is provided as reports containing textual descriptions, interactive figures, and downloadable tables.
Standard RNA-seq Processing Pipelines
The CFDE RNA-seq Pipeline Harmonization partnership is a collaboration between multiple DCCs (GTEx, UDN, KF, HuBMAP, SPARC, MoTrPAC) to update their RNA-seq pipelines across the DCCs with a revised version of the STAR RNA-seq aligner. The goal is to enable uniform alignment to a reference genome by reprocessing all the existing accessible bulk-tissue RNA-seq datasets.
Explore different tools and workflows that utilizes data from different CFDE participating programs
Toolkit to evaluate the FAIRness of research digital resources
Query 53 gene-centric, 18 variant-centric, and 19 drug-centric repositories
Toxicology knowledge graph for structural birth defects
CFDE-GSE is web-based application that serves gene set libraries created from CF programs datasets to provide an integrated cross program enrichment analysis.
Data Distillery Knowledge Graph
KG database represents interrelated biomedical ontologies and vocabularies
Get-Gene-Set-Go (G2SG) is interactive web-based application that enables users to fetch gene sets, augment, perform set operations, visualize, and analyze gene sets in a single session.
Playbook Workflow Builder
Web-based platform to construct biomedical workflows
Standard RNA-seq Processing Pipelines
Revised STAR RNA-seq aligner to update RNA-seq pipelines across CF programs